Surveyors to Education: achieving ISO 9001 certification

We are pleased to announce that Surveyors to Education has successfully achieved ISO 9001 certification. The certification reflects our commitment to maintaining high standards of quality and service to the education sector.

ISO 9001 is recognized as a mark of excellence in quality management systems and is a testament to our team’s hard work and dedication to ensuring our clients receive exceptional service.

We have also recently obtained the Cyber Essentials certification, showcasing our commitment to cybersecurity. Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed scheme that helps businesses protect themselves against common cyber-attacks. This certification ensures that we have taken the necessary steps to enhance our security measures and demonstrates that we prioritise the safety of our customers data.

We are proud to have achieved these certifications, as they reinforce our commitment to providing high-quality services and ensuring the security of our clients' data.

Whether you require assistance with estates strategy, surveying or funding advice we have the expertise to help you navigate the complexities of the education sector. Our specialised knowledge and commitment to excellence make us a trusted partner in enhancing education estates.

For further information on how Surveyors to Education can assist your school, Multi-Academy Trust, Trust, or College please contact us on 0116 5070130 or email