New energy monitoring solution helps reduce school bills by at least 10%

We are pleased to announce an energy performance monitoring service to help schools, academies, Multi-Academy Trusts and colleges eliminate energy wastage, reduce their carbon footprint and save on their energy bills.

With the Government’s Energy Bill Relief Scheme ending in March and the growing environmental importance of decarbonising the school estate, we are supporting schools by providing an integrated energy and estates solution which helps to meet the challenges posed by rising costs and climate change.

Partnering with eEnergy we are offering intelligent metering and monitoring to measure energy usage in real time to:

  1. Help schools better understand their energy consumption

  2. Show what appliances and outputs are using most power, such as lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning

  3. Track down energy wastage to optimise school performance

  4. Save money on energy bills – we estimate by reducing wastage alone, energy bills can decrease by at least 10%

  5. Recommend new technologies to further reduce energy usage

  6. Reduce the carbon footprint

Installation of meters is quick and easy and we will do the monitoring so that you can focus on taking effective action in reducing energy wastage.

Once your energy consumption is optimised, we also have significant experience in applying for funding for large energy efficiency upgrades, such as the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, to support you in the next phase of achieving net zero.

Working in partnership with your school or academy estates team, we will develop integrated energy and estate strategies that ensure you are getting the best value for your school estate and meet the Government’s vision for the UK to be the world leading education sector in sustainability and reducing climate change.

Please contact the S2e team about our energy monitoring solution to save money and reduce your carbon footprint on 0116 5070130 or email